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Writing by Sam

This collection was first established on Friday, March 9, 2012 and was most recently revised on Sunday, May 19, 2024.
 Possibly the Most Insulting and Outrageous Statement that a Cop Ever Made
"If you don't have anything to hide, then you won't mind answering a few questions."
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Possibly the Best Available Answer
"If you're not a gestapo thug, then you won't mind if I refuse."
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Possibly the Most Stupid Response
— to answer the questions —
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See The Principles of Liberty, on Pharos.

Consider the Events of September 11, 2001

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The Pentagon wasn't hit by an airplane.
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Four airplanes were hijacked.  Two airplanes crashed at the World Trade Center.  One airplane crashed in Pennsylvania.  Do the arithmetic.  If the Pentagon wasn't hit by an airplane, then there's a missing airplane.
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Well, imagine that!  How much of the other nonsense that the U.S. government reported about the September 11 attacks do you suppose might be outright lies?
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Here's one more thing.  Before you condemn me as a "conspiracy theorist", ask yourself who you believe perpetrated the attacks.  Were they Muslims?  Did they plan it in secret?  If that's what you believe, then you, too, are a conspiracy theorist.

Rescindment of Driver's License
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How many times have you been asked by a traffic cop, when you were out on the road, to show your driver's license so that the cop would know that you're qualified to drive?  Maybe once or twice in your entire lifetime.  How many times have you been asked by someone who wasn't a traffic cop, when you weren't out on the road, to show your driver's license so that you could prove your identity?  Probably thousands of times.  Even out on the road, the traffic cop doesn't give a damn if you can drive or not.  He just wants to know your identity so that he can use the information against you.  He'll check for "priors" and warrants.  So, how smart do you have to be to figure out that it isn't a driver's license?  How stupid do you have to be to not figure it out?  The "driver's license" doesn't have anything to do with driving.  They call it a driver's license to deceive stupid people.  It's a government ID card.
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Rescindment of Passport
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Information Sheet for Cops, Border Patrol Agents, FBI, NSA, Etc.
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I haven't yet been forced to present this item to a cop.  I don't know what the result will be when that situation eventually arises.

A Tabulation of the Powers Delegated to the United States
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PDF File With Links
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